Support FUTUREUM in the finals of the prestigious New European Bauhaus Prizes 2023

12. 5. 2023
We are in the running for the prestigious New European Bauhaus Prize. Competing with 1460 other projects, FUTUREUM is the only project from the Czech Republic to reach the final round of the competition. Now we have to deal with the Top 60 from all over Europe. The winners will be chosen by a jury of experts and the public. Give us your vote!

Vote for FUTUREUM at until 24 May.

If you would like to support our project in the competition with your vote, please send your vote (“link”). To vote, you need to verify your email and then select at least one project from each of the three main categories. FUTUREUM can be found in the Champions category, the Regaining the Sense of belonging section. Thank you.

The New European Bauhaus competition is organised by the European Commission. It aims to bring new solutions close to the Green Deal for Europe to people, communities and everyday life, with an emphasis on sustainability, aesthetics and inclusiveness.